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Image by Nattu Adnan
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The Unashamed Bride

“So above all, constantly seek God’s Kingdom and his righteousness, then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly.”

-Matthew 6:33


In The Unashamed Bride, Sula Lael invites readers on a transformative journey, diving deep into the heart of the Bridegroom’s passionate love, righteousness, and the unparalleled power of His Kingdom. This sequel to His Beloved Bride – A Journey into Deeper Intimacy with Jesus continues the exploration of the divine romance between Christ and His Church.


Rooted in the powerful scripture of Matthew 6:33, this book encourages believers to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. It challenges readers to live in the highest place of authority available, fearless, unashamed, and empowered by love.​​


Through rich scriptural insights and practical applications, The Unashamed Bride will inspire you to:


  • Embrace your identity as the Bride of Christ with confidence and joy.

  • Experience deeper intimacy with Jesus, the Bridegroom.

  • Understand righteousness and how to be a Bride without spot or blemish.

  • Walk in the authority and power of His Kingdom in your daily life.

  • Understand the kingdom of Satan and REFUSE to relinquish your power to him.

  • Overcome shame, fear, and doubt by living the abundant life available in Christ!


Join Sula Lael as she unpacks the profound truths of living as the unashamed bride, passionately loved and chosen by the Bridegroom. Let this book be a guide to a life of deep intimacy, adventure, powerful faith, and transformative love.


Rediscover the heart of your Bridegroom and step into the fullness of His Kingdom with The Unashamed Bride.

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His Beloved Bride

A Journey into Deeper Intimacy with Jesus

What if this world was created so that Father God could find a Bride for His Son? The final exclamation of the bible is the Bride of Christ ascending into an eternal heaven to experience His love forever. There is an invitation for men and women to live from the reality of His Beloved Bride now... Heaven on earth! In this book, you will discover the revelation of Jesus as the Bridegroom King Lover. Step into encounters with Him as you read rich scriptures of marriage and deep intimacy with Jesus. Know what it really means to be His Bride.


“Now you are ready, my bride, to come with me as we climb the highest peaks together. Come with me through the archway of trust. We will look down from the crest of the glistening mounts and from the summit of our sublime sanctuary.”
-‭‭Song of Songs‬ ‭4:8‬a TPT‬‬


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Fighting for Your Purpose

From Sex Trafficking to Ministry

​In Fighting for Your Purpose, Sula unapologetically shares the traumatic and drama filled details of her life.  As if speaking to a close friend, she holds nothing back in hopes that through her mistakes, pain and ultimately her miraculous life transformation, you would be drawn to the God who makes all things new.  Take a journey through valuable truths to help you discover a closer relationship with God, find freedom from your past, personally learn what your God Purpose is and how to Fight for it.  Fighting for your purpose features a "Self-Work" section at the conclusion of each chapter for personal reflection and application. 

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Inside the Minds of
Sex Trafficking Victims

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Training Manual for Law Enforcement, Counselors, Medical Professionals, Military, Nonprofits, and Service Providers

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FAITH BASED - For Christian Counselors, Safe Homes, Nonprofits, Churches and Faith Based Service Providers

​This curriculum goes beyond basic Anti-Trafficking 101 information and takes you deeper into understanding what’s going on inside the minds of victims of exploitation.  This is a training manual to accompany live “in person” or online trainings by TAKE FLIGHT SURVIVORS, Inc. However, you can read this book, independent of the live trainings, you would just be missing the stories of real survivors and industry specific tips.  At Take Flight Survivors, our vision is to embrace sex trafficking survivors with comfort and support as they transition from slavery to a safe place.  We are working to build the relationship between victims and those called to serve and help them.  We educate service providers with Trauma Informed Care training to help them understand victims in the moments of recuse & escape.  Our hope is to improve the transition from sexual exploitation to freedom with every individual involved.

Providing Faith Based
Services, Care and Ministry to SRA/Occult Trafficking Survivors


This insightful eBook delves into the challenging yet vital realm of providing faith-based services, care, and ministry to survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and occult trafficking. With a compassionate and knowledgeable approach, it offers a comprehensive guide for caregivers, ministers, and service providers who are committed to aiding those who have suffered from these deeply traumatic experiences.

This eBook is a follow up resource to "Faith Based Inside the Minds of Sex Trafficking Victims" by Sula Lael (available on Amazon and all eBook platforms). Here we continue exploring the complex nature of SRA and occult trafficking, shedding light on the psychological, emotional, and spiritual impacts on survivors. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique challenges and needs of these individuals, offering practical advice on how to approach them with trauma informed sensitivity while offering strategies for lasting healing and freedom.


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Fighting For Your Purpose has touched my heart in a deep way. I have often wondered what on earth I am here for and why I have battled through so much. This book helped me to recognize that the attacks on my life were and are directly linked to the calling and purpose God has for me, and were an attempt to stop me. I so appreciate and relate to the vulnerability in which Sula shares her story. The self-work through out the book makes it feel more like a Bible study. I now have a new mandate in my heart that I am here to share my story to help others and I will never quit fighting for my purpose in God!



I just wanted to reach out and let you know what God is doing in my life since I read your book that changed my life forever! I now go to church every Sunday and I LOVE my church so much and anytime I am able to give my testimony YOUR name and your book is a huge part of that for me! I just want to thank you again for writing fighting for your purpose it is so so precious to me and I will cherish it for my whole life! I admire you so much Sula I just hope you know how important you are in Gods plan. I really hope to one day be able to help women the way you have helped me. Your strip club ministry is the best thing that's ever happened to me still 6 years after finding God while reading your book.


Faith Based Inside the Minds of Sex Trafficking Victims is the best book I've ever read on sex trafficking.


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